Wednesday, February 06, 2013


Nil Giri is the highest hill resort of Bangladesh with amazing natural beauty. This Resort is located 47 km South-East of Bandarban town on Chimbuk Range at a height of 2400 feet from sea level. It has a high class residential accommodation that makes a difference.  This beautiful resort in the top of the mountain maintain by the Bangladesh Army.

You will be amazed when you see that the cloudy sky often kisses the peak of the hill. Gentle breeze was blowing down the hill side and thin clouds were hanging around on their way to casual fly. Dimmed through the clouds, silver moon light was rolling down the folds and slopes.  It is Imagine the scene! Clouds are playing with you and you can touch them! This is the most attractive place of Bangladesh for those who love hills and clouds.
How to go:

It is 47 KM away from Bandarban. If you get on a Bus from Dhaka at around 10 o’clock you will reach Bandarban at dawn. For better freedom one can rent a microbus or car from Dhaka. To save time you can reach Cox’s Bazaar by air for onwards move to Nilgiri by bus or rent a car. You have to stay at Bandarban hotel and next day you can move to Nilgiri.


The accommodation in Nilgiri, in fact, makes its difference. Good hotels are there at Bandarban city too. Accommodation and food for 3 days will cost near tk 10000. Conveyance will depend on means you choose from tk 7000 minimum to maximum tk 11000 if you go by plane to Chittagong. Army man can get special priority for the lodge and cottages. But if it is not booked by any army and the lodge may vacant any day, you can reserve it. But it is so scarce happening. Most of the time Nilgiri remains booked. So try to contact the authority before three month to stay here. The tent is ready for you for short notice but you know it is a busy tourist’s spot. So book this before you get there.

Food Stuff:

Nilgiri is mainly a rest house. It has a clean and healthy restaurant. So don’t worry about stomach! Rice, beef, mutton are prepared in bamboo without water is really mouth-watering. Every meal cost is about 200-500 BDT. They can provide various types of taste food.

Contact Number of Nilgiri:  01190811322, 01925882338

National Museum

Located in the suburb of Shahbag, in the city of Dhaka, is the biggestmuseum in Bangladesh. Its staggering collection of over eighty five thousand pieces are beautifully preserved in the twenty thousand square meter building, that is home to large exhibits. Originally established as the Dhaka Museum, in the year 1913, by Lord Carmichael.The museum developed into such a large establishment, that its wealth in artifacts was acknowledged in 1983, by changing its name to the Bangladesh National Museum. The museum welcomes thousands of visitors each year and is amongst the most popular attraction in the city.

The massive four storey building is not only home to large exhibition halls, but to a conservatory laboratory, library, three auditoriums, photographic gallery, temporary exhibition hall and an audio-visual division. Amidst the striking collection of paintings, visitors will find ancient relics and items that date back centuries and act as memorabilia to the civilizations that once roamed Bangladesh. Some of the artifacts include sculptures, tapestries, votive seals, terracotta pieces, water color drawings, porcelain items, metal work, weapons and medieval armory, wooden furniture, quilts, fossils and traditional crafts, to name but a few. The exhibitions in the Bangladesh National retrace the history of the country and are an insightful and educational tour of ancient worlds. Seminars and workshops hosted by the museum, answer many questions in regard to lost worlds, and educate the public on the wonderful collections that are preserved with the museum walls. It is truly a remarkable attraction and a noteworthy sight.

National Memorial

The national memorial signifies the nations respect for the martyrs of the war of liberation. It stands at saver at Dhaka. The museum is built near the monument to display the relics of the liberation war. It’s really marvelous. The area of national area includes a mosque a library and a museum. The relic of the liberation war has kept the museum so that we can remember the valiant struggle and supreme sacrifices of a freedom living people. The national memorial is built with concrete and its height 150 feet. It is an achievement the dimensions of which can be measured but it stands for an achievement which is immeasurable most prominently visible is the 150 feet tower that stands on abase measuring 130 feet wide. It actually a series of 7 towers that by stages to a height of 150 feet. The entire complex has covered an area of 126 across.

The most moving sight of the complex is the several graves of the martyred freedom fighters close to the tower standing in front of the graves.We bow down our heads in front of the towers soar up symbolizing the loftiness of their spirit. The national memorial is really fantastic; I have been marveled to see its grandeur. No doubt, it is an interesting place. Number of many people tourist has been selected as an attractive place of beauties in Bangladesh. We're proud of our National Memorial.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Mujib Nagar Monument

During the Liberation War, the oath taking of the first interim government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was held on the 17th April, 1971 at the mango grove of Meherpur. To mark this historical occasion, an open architectural competition was called in 1983 to design a memorial at the site of the oath taking.

The design of Architect Jalal Ahmad and his partners won 1st prize in the design competition. The main emphasis of the design was to least disturb the serenity of the mango grove around the oath taking podium. The proposed design was conceived as a series of free standing brick columns around the historical oath taking podium, depicting the peoples struggle and strength which are being tied with randomly placed r.c.c. beams signifying the unity of the nation. An open air amphitheater, few free standing mural walls and a small museum were also proposed within the monument.

Cox's Bazar

· Longest natural sandy beach
· Unbroken sandy beach for 77.67 Miles (125 km)
· Located in Bangladesh
· Also known by the name Palongkee and the name   Panowa which means "yellow flower."

Cox's Bazar Beach
Cox's Bazar Beach is the longest natural unbroken beach in the world. It represents 77.67 miles (125 km) of unbroken sandy beach. The tide varies slightly creating a good place for sun bathing.
The name Cox's Bazar Beach comes from Captain Cox who died in 1799. He was a British officer that was compassionate towards the local people and had gain much favor in their eyes. The beach is also referred to as Palongkee and Panowa which means "yellow flower."

Best way to see and experience Cox's Bazar Beach

More will follow on Cox's Bazar Beach as it is declared an official or notable wonder of Asia.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Shat Gambuj Mousqe

The Shat Gambuj Mosque is famous for it's historical importance. It is one of greatest mosques in Bangladesh in respect of its spectacular beauty. It is situated in Bagerhat besides the longest sea beach Bay of Bengal also the longest mangrove forest Shundarban. In the king of Sultan Nassiruddin Mahmud Shah (1435-1459) is established Kholifabad area under Saint Ulugh Khan Jahan made this magnificent mosque at 1459. It took's several year to complete it. It's total length is 160 feet and total wide is 108 feet. The roof of the mosque is supported by 77 squat domes. The vast prayer hall of the mosque has 11 arched doorways on east and 7 each on north and south for the ventilation and light. It has 7 longitudinal corridors. Architecturally, the interior and exterior of the mosque is quite plain. But the interior Western Wall was decorated beautifully with terracotta flowers and foliage. It offers an impressive look. UNESCO is already declered this mosque as one of the historical place of the world.

How To Go: From Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, you can go by Bus service such as Shohagh, Hanif, Egal for go to Dhaka to Khulna. If you want to journy by launch or Stemar, you can go 1st Mongla which is one of the best port area of Bangladesh. You can also travell by Train.From Khulna it's distance may be 7 km. So you can go by Rickshaw or Microbus .

For Stay: If you want to stay there, some hotels are ready to help you. Sagorica, Rahmat Hotel, Mohona Hotel, Rahat Hotel is for you.

Shat gombuj mosque is one of the attractive place of world for tourists for its stately historical magnificence. So you must wellcome to visit this historical place of Bangladesh.